home mountain
Every local Utahn has a resort they call home.
Skiing is a big part of who I am. I quite literally grew up on skis and even skied competitively for 5 years. Growing up in a ski town is one of my greatest blessings. It taught me to be outside, work hard, and love the people around me. I spent winters exactly how you see in the photos below. This passion project aims to pay homage to the Utah ski community that raised me. I am its product.
Ski culture is already a fairly niche group of people, but I realized that my heavy exposure to the ski community allowed me to recognize subcultures within it. I decided to design a pair of skis representing these distinct groups of people.

There are 4 main ski resorts in Salt Lake: Alta, Snowbird, Brighton, and Solitude.
Locals identify with one particular resort and remain deeply loyal to it, creating a distinct culture for each resort.
I researched, talked with Salt Lake locals, and wrote a specific “persona” for each of the 4 resorts.
And then for the ski design —
representing the 4 individual subcultures of the Salt Lake ski resorts. I wanted to do the project to give locals a visualization of their love to ski that they could identify with. I chose specific elements unique to the resorts, and incorporated them in the design. Growing up in the Wasatch makes you fall in love with them, but it looks a little different for everyone. I wanted to connect with my own skiing roots in this project and allow space for people to connect with theirs too.
I talked with locals of the 4 different resorts and identified key elements that needed to be included in the design. Here are the top 3 quintessential components for each resort: (from top left)
Empty, open space
Honeycomb canyon
The bird logo
Classic wooden lodge
Steep traditional skiing
Old school skis
Park and halfpipe
Night skiing
Socializing on lift
The tram
Upper cirque terrain
Jumping off cliffs